Contact and Bio Information

Duyen Nguyen
Institutional Affiliation:
Saint John Human Development Council
- Settlement and Service Provision
- Social and Cultural Integration
- Health and Well-being
Duyen is the project manager for the Saint John Local Immigration Partnership (LIP). She earned her PhD in Community Health Sciences from the University of Calgary, specializing in Population and Public Health, and has a MSc in Developmental Psychology from Memorial University.
Duyen is an avid research with more than 10 years experience conducting quantitative and qualitative research. In addition to her academic training, Duyen has experience working in various capacities, such as a sessional instructor at Mount Royal University, research assistant at the University of Calgary, research associate at Alberta Health Services, fieldworker for the Atlantic Metropolis Centre, and consultant for the World Health Organization.
As the Saint John LIP project manager, Duyen is working with various community stakeholders to better understand and address the needs, challenges, and barriers to improving newcomer settlement and integration outcomes.