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Mark Cleveland
Institutional Affiliation:
University of Western Ontario
Dr. Mark Cleveland (PhD, MSc, BComm, John Molson School of Business, at Concordia University, Montréal, Canada) is a Western Faculty Scholar (2017-19), is the Dancap Private Equity Professor of Consumer Behavior in the DAN Department of Management and Organizational Studies(Faculty of Social Sciences), and is the Director of the Collaborative Graduate Program in Migration and Ethnic Relations (2016-2018), at the University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario, Canada). Mark’s research spans several areas of marketing, with a special focus on cross-cultural consumer behavior; globalization, global consumer culture, ethnic/social identity and acculturation; culture and decision-making; cosmopolitanism, materialism and consumer ethnocentrism; international market segmentation; services marketing, green marketing, gift-giving, advertising, psychometrics and scale development, as well as branding and internet shopping behavior. To date, he has conducted research on consumers living in 22 countries: the Americas (Canada, United States, Mexico, and Chile), Europe (United Kingdom, France, Germany, Slovakia, Sweden, Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, and Greece), and Asia (India, Taiwan, China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Iran, Lebanon, and Turkey).