an alliance of university, community, and government partners dedicated to fostering welcoming communities and promoting the integration of immigrants and minorities across Canada
Une session d’affiches mettant en lumière les travaux récents de certains membres de Voies vers la prospérité s’est tenue le 24 novembre 2014 durant la conférence. Liens vers les affiches sont disponibles ici.
The Pathways to Prosperity Partnership held its first pan-Canadian conference at the Minto Suite Hotel in Ottawa on November 15-16, 2013. Click “Read More” to access presentation material from the conference.
Le Partenariat Voies vers la Prospérité a tenu sa première conférence pancanadienne à l’Hôtel Minto Suite d’Ottawa les 15 et 16 novembre dernier. Cliquer “En savoir plus” pour accéder aux documents des présentations de la conférence.
A poster session featuring recent work by members of Pathways to Prosperity was held on Friday, November 15, 2013 as a part of the Pathways to Prosperity 2013 Annual Conference. PDFs of poster presentations is available here.
Une session d’affiches mettant en valeur les travaux récents de membres de Voies vers la Prospérité a eu lieu le vendredi 15 novembre lors de la Conférence annuelle de Voies vers la prospérité.
The 2012 Local Immigration Partnership Conference was held in Toronto from February 8-10. It brought together researchers, delegates from organizations and municipalities involved in delivery of the LIPs and government officials. The goals of the conference were to learn from research studies, to discuss challenges…
The WCI Governing Council met to take stock of progress and to discuss future directions. This was followed by presentations and discussion of research examining LIP best practices. The morning session was restricted to WCI Governing Council members (university, community, and ex officio members). The afternoon session included the…
The conference focused on Northern and smaller communities’ LIP strategies and action plans and explored how best to support them analytically. With this in mind, the following objectives were established for the conference: 1. To identify crucial issues associated with four inter-connected themes: (a)…