Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships to Support Newcomer Integration: Structure, Engagement, and Collaboration
The Powerpoint presentations and video recordings from the workshop are available here.
an alliance of university, community, and government partners dedicated to fostering welcoming communities and promoting the integration of immigrants and minorities across Canada
The Powerpoint presentations and video recordings from the workshop are available here.
À tous les égards, la deuxième Conférence annuelle de Voies vers la prospérité tenue en novembre 2014 fut un succès, avec 250 participants, des présentations enrichissantes et des discussions animées pendant les deux jours. La conférence a offert six sessions plénières, onze ateliers et tables-rondes,…
By all counts, the second annual Pathways to Prosperity National Conference held in November 2014 was a success, with 250 delegates, engaging presentations, and lively discussion over the course of two days. The conference included six plenary sessions, 11 workshops and roundtables, and a poster…
The second annual Pathways to Prosperity National Conference included six plenary sessions. The Powerpoint presentations and videos from the 2014 conference are available here.
The Pathways to Prosperity 2014 National Conference included five workshops. Here are the links to the PowerPoint presentations from these workshops, where available.
A poster session featuring recent work by members of Pathways to Prosperity was held on November 24, 2014 as a part of the 2014 National Conference. Links to the PDFs of posters are available here.
La deuxième Conférence annuelle de Voies vers la prospérité a offert six sessions plénières. Les présentations PowerPoint et des vidéos de la conférence 2014 sont disponibles ici.
Le Conférence nationale 2014 de Voies vers la prospérité comprenait cinq ateliers. Voici les liens vers les présentations PowerPoint de ces ateliers.