P2P-FCFA 2024 Conference for Local Immigration Partnerships and Réseaux en immigration francophone – Presentations and Recordings

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


9:00 AM – 10:30 AM EST

Opening Remarks and land Acknowledgement (Video)

  • Victoria Esses – Co-Chair, Pathways to Prosperity Partnership and Professor, Western University
  • Kimberly Jean Pharuns – Director of Francophone Immigration, Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada (FCFA)


Plenary – Inclusive Collaboration Across Sectors When Collaboration is Not a Given (Video)

Chairs: Médétonwan Olivier Guédé – Coordinator, Support for Réseaux en immigration francophone, Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada and Florentien Verhage – Associate Director of Employer and Community Partnerships, Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria (ICA)

LIPs and RIF are all about collaboration, both within the settlement sector and with partners in a variety of other sectors. But how do we promote collaboration when it is not a given? Speakers in this plenary will discuss the strategies they use to establish and maintain collaborations and partnerships, including challenges they have experienced and how they have overcome them. They will also describe promising practices in collaboration that have worked for them and key features that have made these collaborations successful. The goal is to share and learn from each other so that we can together promote welcoming communities that support the settlement and integration of newcomers in Canada.

  • Fording the River: Indigenous Engagement with Newcomer Communities (Download Presentation)
    Diana Ospina – Senior Manager, Surrey Local Immigration Partnership
  • Balanced Integration for Newcomers: The Case of Collaboration between the Congolese Community of Hamilton and Welcoming Francophone Communities (Download Presentation)
    Jean-Jacques Somwe – President, Congolese Community of Hamilton (CCH)
  • Building Collaboration with Business and Economic Development Partners (Download Presentation)
    Tara Bedard – Executive Director, Waterloo Region Immigration Partnership
  • Essential Collaboration to Promote and Support Francophone Immigration to Nova Scotia (Download Presentation)
    Emmanuel Nahimana – Former Coordinator, Réseau en immigration francophone de la Nouvelle-Écosse (RIFNÉ) & Deputy Director General, Acadian Federation of Nova Scotia

Graphic Recording


11:00 AM – 12:15 PM EST

Workshops and Roundtables

E1 (en personne) – Formation équité, diversité et inclusion pour les agent.e.s d’établissement francophones

Facilitateurs : Sabrina Placier – FFCB pour la coordination du RIF Colombie-Britannique et Yvon Laberge – Collège Éducacentre

Cette table ronde sera dédiée à la présentation de la formation Équité, diversité et inclusion. Le Projet Équité visait à développer une formation spécialisée pour les agent.e.s d’établissement en C.-B. Cette formation est composée d’une introduction et de quatre unités. La formation a réussi à sensibiliser les agent.e.s d’établissement aux enjeux de l’équité et à fournir des outils pratiques pour améliorer leurs pratiques professionnelles. Cette table ronde permettrai de partager et inspirer des bonnes pratiques et des enseignements tirés de cette formation, ainsi que de discuter des recommandations pour les futures initiatives en matière d’équité afin qu’elle puisse être adaptée au contexte des communautés francophones en dehors de la C.-B.

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E2 (en personne) – Le parcours d’intégration dans les communautés francophones en situation minoritaire (CFSM): attentes, défis et expériences des personnes immigrantes d’expression française

Président : Marc Valade – Observatoire en immigration francophone au Canada

Alors que l’accroissement de la part francophone de l’immigration est de plus en plus palpable dans les CFSM, il importe d’y évaluer les processus d’intégration des personnes immigrantes d’expression française. Cet atelier portera sur des expériences répertoriées de personnes immigrantes d’expression française. Que révèlent ces expériences sur leur insertion socioprofessionnelle, leur gestion du bilinguisme, et sur leurs relations avec les communautés d’accueil ? Quels moyens développent-elles pour valoriser leur identité francophone ? En somme, les politiques d’accueil et d’intégration mises en œuvre dans les CFSM satisfont-elles les attentes de cette population immigrante de plus en plus diversifiée et variée ?

  • Les personnes migrantes temporaires d’expression française et leurs aspirations professionnelles et migratoires en CFSM. Études récentes (Download Presentation)
    Marc Valade – Observatoire en immigration francophone au Canada
  • Regards réflexifs des personnes immigrantes d’expression française en provenance d’Afrique sur leur parcours d’intégration dans les communautés francophones et acadiennes (Download Presentation)
    Amadou Ghouenzen Mfondi – Université Saint-Paul
  • Parcours d’immigration et engagement communautaire : de l’intégration personnelle à l’implication dans les parcours d’établissement des nouveaux arrivants (Download Presentation)
    Marion Perrin – Le Réseau en immigration francophone des Territoires du nord-Ouest (RIFTNO)
  • Les services d’établissement et d’orientation comme lieu d’insertion professionnelle et sociale des personnes immigrantes d’expression française (Download Presentation)
    Chantale Blanchette – Le Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone de l’Est de l’Ontario (RSIFEO)


E3 (in person) – Measuring Newcomer Needs and Outcomes: Evidence-Based Case Studies, Data Sources, and a New Practical Tool for LIPs to Accelerate Their Work

Chair: Sathya Gnaniah – National LIP Secretariat

The development, implementation and evaluation of partnership-based community settlement strategies demand a solid foundation in evidence. Local Immigration Partnerships play a crucial role in supporting newcomers and fostering their successful integration into the community. To enhance their effectiveness, LIPs need to systematically understand newcomer challenges and community capacities by employing robust evaluation tools. This evidence-based workshop will present approaches to measuring newcomer needs and outcomes on three levels – 1) Indices of compelling and measurable indicators for LIPs 2) Case studies of measuring newcomer needs and outcomes and 3) Data sources for LIPs to effectively measure newcomer needs, assets, and outcomes.

  • Indices of Competing and Measurable Indicators for LIPs
    Koyali Burman – Vancouver Local Immigration Partnership, and Kailea Pedley – Cape Breton Local Immigration Partnership
  • Case Studies of LIPs Measuring Newcomer Needs and Outcomes
    Dan Vandebelt – Waterloo Region Immigration Partnership, and Jasmine Calix – Saskatoon Local Immigration Partnership (IPSK)
  • Data Sources for LIPs to Effectively Measure Newcomer Needs, Assets, and Outcomes
    Michael Ditor – Community Data Program

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E4 (in person | en personne) – Strategies to Increase Francophone-Anglophone Collaboration | Stratégies pour accroître les collaborations entre les secteurs anglophone et francophone

Facilitators | Facilitatrices : Diarra Diaw – Réseau en immigration francophone de la Colombie-Britannique & Sara Sehic – Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA)

This roundtable discussion will explore ways of supporting Francophone-Anglophone Settlement sector collaboration to increase referrals and promote the Francophone Integration Pathway. Facilitated by AMSSA and RIFCB, both organizations will share their experiences with collaboration and partnerships the two have engaged in thus far to support their members with this goal. Through small group discussion, participants will be asked to share their challenges, best practices and vision for the future of Franco-Anglo collaboration.

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E5 (in person) – Building Bridges: Launching a One-Stop Talent Hub and Collaborative Framework for Enhanced Newcomer Employment

Chair: Nora Whittington – Waterloo Region Immigration Partnership and Sarwar Mustofa, Toronto East Quadrant Local Immigration Partnership (TEQ LIP)

This workshop brings together innovative approaches to improving employment outcomes for newcomers through collaborative frameworks and targeted community initiatives. The InterLIP Employment Action Group, comprising four Toronto quadrant Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) and the Toronto Newcomer Office, collaborates on Toronto-wide initiatives to address barriers to meaningful employment for newcomers. By leveraging the collective impact framework, the group has successfully implemented projects that enhance the coordination, knowledge, and capacity of service providers. This workshop will showcase their approach, key outcomes, and future directions for their projects. Additionally, in response to Waterloo Region employers’ call for a streamlined way to access job-ready immigrant talent, the Waterloo Region Immigration Partnership formed a task group that embarked on a four-year research and community engagement initiative. After extensive consultations with employers, service providers, and business organizations, they secured a host and funding, leading to the launch of the Workplace & Immigrant Network (WIN) in fall 2023. Join this workshop to learn about WIN’s journey and its current initiatives. Together, these initiatives illustrate how collaborative frameworks and community-driven solutions are paving the way for enhanced newcomer employment opportunities.

  • An InterLIP Collaborative Framework: Aligning Competing Priorities for Enhanced Newcomer Employment
    Kuuku Quagraine – Toronto West Local Immigration Partnership, Tinbit Eyasu – Toronto South Local Immigration Partnership, and Farheen Meraj – Toronto North Local Immigration Partnership (TNLIP)
  • Workplace & Immigrant Network (WIN): A Response to Employers’ Call for a One Stop Immigrant Talent Hub
    Nora Whittington – Waterloo Region Immigration Partnership, Julie Newman – Willow Hall HR, and Charlene Hofbauer – Workforce Planning Board of Waterloo, Wellington, Dufferin

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E6 (virtual) – Cross-Sector Collaboration in Newcomer Support: The Bold Origins of a Tech Innovation Sweeping the Nation (Video)

Facilitators: Liwordson Vijayabalan – Welcome Platform Technologies, Stephanie Ferrera – County of Lambton, and Yu Jier Kou – Kingston Immigration Partnership

Join us for an inspiring roundtable exploring the story and experience of a powerful synergy between private and public sectors for newcomer support. Discover how a venture start-up was born out of a community pilot project conceived in Lambton County, Ontario to create a mobile app that is poised to transform newcomer experiences across Canada. We will dive into the complementary strengths of each sector, unpacking how collaboration fueled this breakthrough.


E7 (virtual) – The Newcomer Accessibility Council (NAC) – A Cross-Regional Approach to Serving Newcomers with Disabilities: Promising Practices and Learnings (Video)

Facilitators: Danielle Pineda – Durham Local Immigration Partnership, Azreen Sikder – Toronto East Quadrant Local Immigration Partnership, and Rebecca Wood – Centre for Independent Living in Toronto

The Newcomer Accessibility Council (NAC) is a cross-jurisdictional advisory working group developed by the Toronto East Quadrant and Durham Local Immigration Partnership. The NAC aims to implement a place-based model for an accessible and responsive service system for newcomers with disabilities, their families, and caretakers. The objective of this discussion is to contribute to the capacity of settlement service providers serving newcomers with disabilities by sharing the NAC’s initiatives thus far, learnings around developing and sustaining a cross-regional partnership to achieve collaborative outcomes, and engaging in a wider discussion on the needs, challenges and promising practices in serving newcomers with disabilities.

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02:45 PM – 04:00 PM PST

Workshops and Roundtables

F1 (in person) – A Strategic Priority Collaboration with Anglophone and Francophone Sectors in Vancouver

Chair: Koyali Burman – Vancouver Local Immigration Partnership (VLIP)

The Vancouver Local Immigration Partnership (VLIP) is strategically collaborating, across sectors, to influence impactful integration and well-being of newcomers to Canada. An inclusive stakeholder engagement strategy presentation provides an overview of the role of the VLIP in bridging the Anglophone and Francophone sectors to strengthen settlement services in British Columbia. The VLIP alongside Anglophone and Francophone agencies is fostering cross-cultural partnerships and collaborative efforts to enhance service delivery, promote inclusivity, and create a strong community environment. The workshop will also highlight best practices from Francophone members of VLIP who will provide valuable insights into embedding inclusive and intersectional approaches for better outcomes across populations.

  • A Strategic Priority Collaboration with Anglophone and Francophone Sectors in Vancouver
    Koyali Burman – Vancouver Local Immigration Partnership (VLIP)
  • Collaboration with the Settlement Sector to Support Immigrants’ Healthcare Needs
    Nour Enayeh – RésoSanté Colombie-Britannique

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F2 (in person) – Messaging that Matters: Building Successful Immigrant Awareness Campaigns

Chair: Danielle Pineda – Region of Durham

With over 220,000 views between them, the “Durham is Home” and “Durham Is More” awareness campaigns share inspiring stories and positive messages about newcomers in Durham. This workshop will discuss how the Durham Local Immigration Partnership, the Region of Durham’s Communications and Engagement division, and community partners collaborated to develop and deliver award-winning campaigns that aim to create a more welcoming community and improve public attitudes toward immigrants and immigration. Participants can expect to learn how local newcomers were engaged in the campaigns, how the campaign was developed, what communication tactics were used, and the engagement results of the campaigns.

  • Danielle Pineda – Region of Durham
  • Jessica Batres – Region of Durham
  • Amanda Hobin – Region of Durham

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F3 (in person) – Navigating Growth: A Roadmap from Small Beginnings to Growing Impact

Chair: Dan Vandebelt – Waterloo Region Immigration Partnership

This workshop will explore the growth of Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) by drawing insights from two communities at different stages: Grey-Bruce, a newer, smaller, rural LIP, and Waterloo Region, a well-established, larger LIP. We will examine how these collaborations evolve, highlighting both the early efforts of emerging LIPs, and the deepening initiatives and increased capacity over time. By comparing these two LIPs, we will spotlight important initiatives and strategies rooted in LIP-community/settlement partnerships. Presenters will also share a resource featuring a variety of projects and initiatives that LIPs can engage with, offering examples and starting points for those at different stages of their collaborative journey. Collaboration is key to growing and making a lasting impact.

  • Dan Vandebelt – Waterloo Region Immigration Partnership
  • Abiha Syed – Waterloo Region Immigration Partnership
  • Deepikaa Gupta – Grey-Bruce Local Immigration Partnership

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F4 (in person) – Sustaining EDI in Settlement Services: Insights from Toronto’s InterLIP Framework

Chair: Mounir Nasri – Toronto East Quadrant Local Immigration Partnership (TEQ LIP)

This workshop will examine Toronto’s InterLIP EDI framework implementation over the past year, highlighting successes and challenges. Representatives from Toronto’s InterLIP will present their internal and external EDI projects, followed by a discussion on where to start with EDI and Anti-Racism policies and practices. The workshop will explore EDI’s role in enhancing settlement services, benefiting organizations, staff, and clients and emphasis will be on sustaining EDI work despite changes in funding landscapes. Participants will gain insights, examples and recommendations for implementing effective EDI initiatives.

  • Rachelle Molto – Toronto North Local Immigration Partnership (TNLIP) & JVS Toronto
  • Misha Hossain – Toronto North Local Immigration Partnership (TNLIP) & The Neighbourhood Organization (TNO)
  • Mounir Nasri – Toronto East Quadrant Local Immigration Partnership (TEQ LIP)
  • Marycarmen Lara-Villanueva – Toronto South Local Immigration Partnership (TSLIP) & The Neighbourhood Group Toronto

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F5 (en personne) – Un panel entre différents acteurs sur l’accueil en francophonie en milieu minoritaire

Facilitateur : Inouk Touzin – Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne (FCFA)

Partant d’une présentation d’IRCC sur les résultats d’une étude du projet pilote des Communautés francophones accueillantes, les participants commenteront, contextualiseront et échangeront à travers une série de questions dirigées par l’animateur et proposées par le public. Nous invitons responsables de CFA à illustrer, à l’aide d’exemples concrets, ce qu’est le travail d’accueil et comment les CFA jouent un rôle dans la rétention des personnes issues de l’immigration et dans la construction d’une francophonie qui valorise la diversité et le bien-être de toutes les composantes de la communauté, anciens et nouveaux. Les thèmes suivants pourront inspirer nos propos.

  • Collaboration avec d’autres secteurs
  • Promouvoir des communautés accueillantes
  • Fournir des informations aux nouveaux arrivants et les mettre en relation avec des services
  • Coordination des services et mise en relation des organisations dans votre région
  • Communication avec le public
  • Recherche sur les besoins et les résultats des nouveaux arrivants
  • Boîtes à outils et ressources pour les organisations de votre région

Les participants à la table ronde comprenaient :

  • Chantal Morin – Communauté Francophone accueillante Gravelbourg/Moose Jaw
  • Karine Gallant – Bienvenue Évangeline
  • Marie-Hélène Eddie – Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC)


F6 (virtuel) – Fournir des informations aux nouveaux arrivants et les mettre en contact avec les services (Video)

Présidente : Sabrina Placier – FFCB pour la coordination du RIF Colombie-Britannique

Les membres du Réseau en immigration francophone de Colombie-Britannique présenteront la diversité des offres et services en français disponibles pour les nouveaux arrivants. Cette session mettra en lumière la gamme variée de services, allant de l’accueil initial à l’accompagnement socio-professionnel, en passant par le soutien linguistique et culturel. Nous expliquerons également le parcours d’intégration complet, qui inclut des étapes clés pour assurer une transition réussie et équitable des immigrants francophones en Colombie-Britannique. Cette présentation illustrera comment ces services intégrés et coordonnés facilitent l’établissement et l’épanouissement des nouveaux arrivants.

  • Vincent Catherine – Société de développement économique de la Colombie-Britannique
  • Lily Crist – RésoSanté Colombie-Britannique
  • Diamondra Rakotoarijaona – Le Cercle des canadiens français de Prince-George (Download Presentation)


F7 (virtual) – Collaborative Pathways to Support Newcomer Settlement and Integration: Immigration Partnership Winnipeg’s Approach (Video)

Facilitators: Arian Arianpour, Kris Ontong, Carolina Meneses Zamor, and Adrianne Breyfogle – Immigration Partnership Winnipeg

The roundtable hosted by Immigration Partnership Winnipeg (IPW) is designed to foster two-way learning between IPW staff and participants. This will highlight IPW’s Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) model, with a brief overview of their nine sector tables, including the Civic Engagement, Employment, Indigenous Newcomer Engagement, Mental Health, Youth, and Education sectors. Additionally, the session will discuss IPW’s collaboration with the Ethnocultural Council of Manitoba-Stronger Together Inc. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and share insights from their own work models, promoting an exchange of best practices and ideas across the sectors.

(Download Presentation)


04:00 PM – 05:00 PM PST

Hackathon Team Presentations and Awards; Closing (Video)

Team Presentations and Awards 

  • Manvir Aujla – Manager, Research and Knowledge Sharing, Surrey Local Immigration Partnership
  • Victoria Esses – Co-Chair, Pathways to Prosperity Partnership and Professor, Western University


Graphic Recording


  • Kimberly Jean Pharuns – Director of Francophone Immigration, Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada (FCFA)
  • Katie Crocker – Co-Chair, Pathways to Prosperity Partnership and Chief Executive Officer, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA)

A selection of photographs from the P2P-FCFA Conference for Local Immigration Partnerships and Réseaux en immigration francophone is now available for all to enjoy